Thursday, June 9, 2011

Odd Thing I noticed in a movie...

So as you know, I've been researching Wicca.  Everything I have read has said Paganism is one of the oldest religions.  I didn't really know how old it could actually be, but I got a good hint tonight as to how deep it is ingrained in our culture without our knowing.

I was watching The Brothers Grimm when I noticed that one of the characters followed what some called "the old ways."  After watching how she reacted with nature and how she lived, I realized it was very close to the nature religion part of Wicca.

I don't know why, but that amused me.  Even while the Christian majorities try to belittle and push the old ways into oblivion, they are still being used and referred to by the masses whether they know it or not.

Sorry, just had to get this out there.  Does anyone else ever see this?

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